When I got to high school, I met friends there I would keep
forever, the kind of lifelong friends who saddle you with nicknames hard to
shake. As it happens, one of my many nicknames in high-school was Charlie
Brown. Perhaps it’s due to my rather large, round head, or maybe I’m just
wishy-washy sometimes (I did date a girl named Sally briefly). Whatever the
reason, it is one of the names which stuck, along with several derivatives,
many of which I couldn’t repeat here. Suffice it to say I’ve been called a
blockhead in every imaginable way. Christmas has always been a special time in
my family, as it has in many families. I hope you enjoy some of my favorite
moments from my past and present, as I present a Charlie Brown Christmas.
The Name Game
The date is set. On December 27th (Or today and
anytime in between if there is a god) I will be welcoming two, still unnamed
princesses into the world. Seriously, we have no names.
Just End It
We had our first false alarm this weekend and it wasn’t fun.
Around 8pm Saturday night I started having cramps. I told Dan that I didn’t
feel well and his face went white as he told me I should be OK. I went to bed
around 10PM and at 1230 I woke up with worse cramps and a few contractions. I
tried to go back to sleep but the cramping and contractions persisted so I
finally woke Dan up and told him I might be in labor. His glorious response was
“no” and turned over and fell back asleep. (Don’t worry I’m returning his
Christmas present)
I called the doctor and she said that those are signs that
I’m in pre-term labor, which means I have to come in. I asked “now?” she said
Yeah. So its 230AM I don’t have a bag packed, my 3 year old is fast asleep and
my husband is in denial about the whole thing. Finally, I get him up, threw a
few things into a bag and got moving. Dan refused to pack anything since he was
still “certain” I wasn’t in labor. We
hit the road around 3, dropped Ali off at my parents and got to the hospital
around 415. Not a bad mobilization if you ask me.
They got us hooked up to the monitors and IV’s and started
running the tests. After about an hour they told me my contractions weren’t
regular so they were going to do a test to see if there is a possibility that
my water will break soon. Yes, there is a test for that. Turns out I was negative
which means it’s 99% certain I’m NOT going to have a twins in the next 14 days.
I have to say I was not relieved by that news at all. These girls are already
up to 5lbs each and now they are going to grow for another 2 weeks minimum?
It’s all for the best, but I’m dying.
Of course the first thing my mom did was look this test up
online and she found ONE story of a woman who’s test was negative and ended up going
into labor 2 days later. My mother is now convinced that I will be going into
labor within the next two days. My doctor told me that’s not going to happen
and I should just relax.
We also set a date for a C-section at December 27th!
Yay, although the doctor doesn’t think I will make it that long anyway.
Super-lame. The only good thing about a C-section is that you can schedule it
and know it’s coming. I have it scheduled but I’ll still most likely go into
labor. At least the doctor said I don’t have to come down to the hospital
unless my water breaks. Now my mom thinks if my water breaks I’ll end up having
the twins in the front seat of my car. My doctor also said that is highly
unlikely. Basically my doctor told me my mom isn’t allowed on the internet
The Night The Lights Went Out On My Youth - By Darren Pecoraro
On Monday October 29th 2012,
Hurricane Sandy, or super-storm Sandy - whatever they want to call her, slowly
moved up the Atlantic, made a sharp left turn and roared ashore in New Jersey, swallowing
up the entire northeastern coastline. Call her what you will, one thing I am sure
of is that she was a bitch. The lights flickered on and off for a little while
and finally going out for good around 5 pm that afternoon. Little did I know
how fortunate I was to be still standing, only without power for six days
amidst all the devastation.
Through intermittent radio
reports and news via smart-phone, the magnitude of the devastation slowly began
to creep in, report-by-report, picture by heart-wrenching picture. Neighborhood
after neighborhood, town after town, up and down the Jersey shoreline were
leveled or rendered unrecognizable in a wave of non-stop surrealism. Many
places thought immune or safe from the deadly storm surge found themselves
inundated by the angry Atlantic Ocean. For us, this storm will not be measured
in monetary loss or property damage, but in heartache.
Some of the most heartbreaking images
came from a place that will always be special to me: Seaside Heights, New
Jersey. When I was a child, I fondly remember our parents taking us there every
summer from our home in Staten Island. My brother, sister, and I would count
the seconds after school was out. Starting as a young boy, I was jealous of
those brave enough to go one some of the bigger rides. I was terrified of
heights and wouldn’t ride anything more than ten feet off the ground. Year
after year I told myself one day I would ride that tall, fast, frightening
rollercoaster on the end of the pier. I think I was 13 years old when I finally
got up the nerve to ride (to say I was terrified would be a big understatement).
I took my seat, got strapped in, and the rest is history. I enjoyed the ride,
and was able to subsequently ride even taller, faster roller coasters for the
remainder of my younger years. That roller coaster was called the “Jet Star”,
and it now sits in the Atlantic Ocean. The pilings supporting the pier
underneath it were swept away and the roller coaster fell, almost intact, into
the sea, like the rug was pulled out from under it.
Throughout my high school, and college
years, everyone on the south shore of Staten Island knew what the “point” and
“the beach” were- The Point, referring to Gateway Park in Great Kills, and The
Beach, being the parking lot by the boardwalk in Midland Beach. I spent, (some
would say wasted) much of my young life there with some of the best friends I
have ever had, some even friends to this day. We would drink beer, listen to
the radio, and even fall in love once in awhile. Whatever the reason, whatever
the time, it was a large portion of my formative years; a place forever etched
in who I am. The beach and boardwalk along the eastern side of Staten Island
are no longer there. The parking lot I spent so much time in is now a dumping
area for the biggest pile of rubble I have seen since 9/11.
Naturally, it isn’t easy to see some
of the icons of your youth cease to exist. And it isn’t easy to be without
power for an hour, never mind six days. One thing I will remember for certain
about this tragedy is that there were several times when I found myself sitting
in the dark or in the cold, or both, and felt the beginnings of what I could
only classify as self-pity. I also noticed that on each and every one of those
occasions, I almost immediately remembered how fortunate I was. I looked around
and found all my family members alive and well. I looked at my four walls,
which creaked quite a bit, but held strong. Some families suffered the ultimate
loss, but I was merely inconvenienced. How dare I feel sorry for myself for
even a second? Never in my life have I been so close by when so many lost so
In the aftermath, I am aware that this
storm is not a once in a lifetime event, but quite possibly a pre-cursor of
things to come. Climate change is real, what further proof do you need after
two hurricanes hit a hurricane free area in the span of just over a year? We
obviously need to rebuild, but we need to rebuild smartly. Honestly, I’m not
even sure what that means, but I know there are people much smarter than I
tackling this very problem as I write this. If we do this correctly, the next
time God is asleep at the wheel, and one of Sandy’s siblings roar up the coast,
we will be better prepared and hopefully avoid another calamity.
This storm has affected everyone in one-way
or another. I doubt there is anyone in this area that doesn’t know someone profoundly
impacted by the events of October 29th. I was lucky and most of the
people I know were lucky, but there are so many who were not. I have a big
mouth, I can be bombastic, and I can be brash - I am in the talk the talk hall
of fame. Now I feel its time to walk the walk as well. I am going to help in
whatever way I can, whether it’s some food or water, or socks, a few dollars
here and there, or lending a hand to a friend in need. It’s time everyone did a
little something to help those who lost so much. I’m sure most, if not all of
you have done something already. If you have not, it’s not too late, and I
suspect it may never be. Whatever you can do, no matter how insignificant you
think it may be, will help. I am ready to play a small part in something very
big. Won’t you join me?
Some helpful links:
Project Hospitality
Darren Pecoraro is a 46 year old retired stay-at-home dad from Englishtown NJ. He enjoys all sports, especially golf, music, and writing. His greatest love is his wife, Adele, and their two boys, Christian, and Andrew.
Darren Pecoraro is a 46 year old retired stay-at-home dad from Englishtown NJ. He enjoys all sports, especially golf, music, and writing. His greatest love is his wife, Adele, and their two boys, Christian, and Andrew.
Positive Notes
I think we can all agree that this past week sucked. With
the massive damage from hurricane Sandy (don’t call it a “superstorm”, this
isn’t a Michael Bay movie) there is a lot for us to complain about but I’ve
been trying to keep my head high and remember the positive things going on.
Warning Labels
After some long weekends of severe discomfort that turned
out to be nothing but regular pregnancy related ailments my mother proclaimed “
they need to warn you about this stuff.” Well they really don’t warn you about
anything when it comes to pregnancy. Realistically speaking, if we warned all
the women about everything
that could happen no one would get pregnant. But a little heads up could be helpful.
I’ve been honest so far about what’s going on, but in
reality it’s been pretty easy so far. As I make the turn into the third trimester
things aren’t looking as good. Now we’re all well aware of the common symptoms
of pregnancy i.e. nausea, weight gain, varicose veins etc. Brace yourselves
because I’m here to share some of the very common but not so talked about
ailments of pregnancy.
Ali's Birth
Now that it’s getting closer to the twins arrival the
“experts” tell me it’s best to tell Ali all about the day she was born. It’s supposed to
help her get ready, even though I’m probably the one who needs more prep. The
only sign that we’re having more babies is the pile of boxes of baby stuff
lining the hallway. Either way, we’ve
been recounting the story pretty regularly for a while now so why not share it
with all of you?
Playground Problems
I had a surge of energy the other day so the family and I decided
to take a walk to the park. I figured it would be a pretty relaxing day but it
turned into a test of my patience.
Someone Worth Remembering
![]() |
My mother, holding my son, at his Christening. February 10, 2002 |
Today is October 10, 2012. It has been 10 years to the day
since my beloved mother passed away after a short and sudden illness. She
became sick so quickly, that by the time I had reached the hospital, she was
already incoherent with a 106 degree fever. Three weeks later, she was gone. It
is the greatest regret of my life that I never got to say goodbye to my mother.
It is a heavy burden I’ve carried for ten long years. A burden I am ready to
put down.
Worst False Alarm Ever
Initially, I wanted to title this piece “I’m an idiot” but
since we’ve used that one before (and probably could have used it many times
over) I went with Worst False Alarm Ever.
This weekend I was at a dog festival. (I know,
Hoboken is weird and has festivals for its dogs.) I was with a friend of mine
who has a mutt puppy. She was cute and couldn’t be more than 35 pounds. I asked
to hold her leash when he got a phone call. The second he turned around off she
went dragging my pregnant belly and me with her through the mud. I was more
embarrassed than hurt. A grown woman covered in dirt and leaves is bad, but a pregnant
woman, that’s just sad. Everyone helped me up and I downplayed the whole thing
laughing and giggling but really – I needed to go to the hospital.
Halfway Mark
We’re actually a little bit past the halfway mark but with
the rate I’m moving I’m lucky I got this post in at all. Much has changed since
I last checked in about the pregnancy. Here are some of the highlights (maybe
Guest Post: The Vicarious Life
Darren Pecoraro gives us another glimpse into fatherhood this week. It's a little touching - or I'm just hormonal.
It has been pointed
out to me by some, who shall remain anonymous, (Adele, Grandpa), that many of
my recent stories have focused solely on the negative behavior of my children.
Some have felt, (Adele, Grandpa), that I may have been a little harsh in my lampooning
of some of the events I have experienced as a parent. This story will tell the
other side, a side I may have been neglectful to tell until now. So sit back
and get ready, because I’m going to brag a little bit, while I take you through
a highlight reel of being a prideful parent, living the vicarious life.
We Got Girls
This weekend my husband and I found out we would be the proud
parents of not one, but two more girls. That’s right, I’m having lady twins and
the anxiety is starting to kick in. I don’t have any sisters, my husband has
one sister, and my mother is the only girl. I grew up with three brothers and
now somehow I’m supposed to manage three girls - what am I, A Kardashian?
Call it Hormones
If you just saw a pregnant lady walking down the street crying
like a baby, no her husband didn’t leave her, she just dropped off her 3 year
old at school. That’s right my first baby is growing up, moving on, and
spreading her wings: she’s going to preschool. Today was the day and it was
You Need Me To Do What?
This post is for ladies only - you've been warned
Ok I need to share about this past ultrasound. It isn’t for
the weak of heart so those not completely interested in this pregnancy need not
read on. Yeah right, everyone is interested in the pregnancy. But seriously
this post gets into gynecology so it may not be suitable for work. Or at least,
I don’t want you reading this at work.
The Ipad Conundrum
Another Andrew story from Darren Pecoraro
Have you ever lamented the fact that a seemingly “brilliant” solution, leads to new, unforeseen problems? This is a story of such a situation. Once again, we find Andrew as the focal point of our story, similar to our other stories in how he has a knack for straining the limits of patience and restraint -ever expanding limits, which I have had to increase by necessity many times over.
Where Do Babies Come From?
Explaining the impending arrival of the twins to our three
year old has been a little bit easier than I would have thought. I announced to
Ali that we would be having a new baby pretty much the day we found out. I
tried to explain to her in terms that she would understand, basically I told
her mommy had magic beans in her belly that were going to turn into babies. She
was A-Okay with that explanation. Thank god she didn’t ask me how I got magic
beans in my belly. That conversation would have been more complicated.
I Don't Feel So Good
Some women glow when they’re pregnant. They just have a nice
sense of calm about the fact that they have a baby inside of them. I am not
that woman. Maybe it’s the twins but I find myself more sluggish, uncomfortable
and grosser than ever. Here are some highlights of my journey:
No Underwear Allowed
I’m pretty sure I live in an affluent
area. 99.9% of the neighborhood looks affluent. The main street is packed with
cutesy kids shops and organic
grocery stores. Most
kids run around on expensive
scooters and
I often hear moms chat about how affordable the $20 per hour babysitter is.
Usually I fly under the radar with my daughter, Ali. I know if we foster a
friendship with one of the upper-crust families our bank account will be
quickly drained by classes, parties and general everyday activities. But,
there is one place that seems to be untouched by its inhabitants’ civic reach:
my local sprinkler. Some parks have installed new cool sprinklers that even I
would want to run in. They have mist tunnels, spinning components that dump
buckets of water and even tiny waterspouts you can aim at your friends.
Needless to say, they’re cool.
Double Dare
Brace yourselves; the news is out there. The Lazy Baby Mama
is at it again, as in pregnant. Yay! Please hold the applause because it’s not
one, but two babies. Yes, twins. Did you just spit your coffee onto the
computer screen? (I hope not, that’s how I ruined my last computer)
Liquid Projectiles
Another gem from Darren Pecoraro.
There is nothing
quite like a family vacation to simultaneously relieve and create stress. I’m
sure most parents would agree that a family vacation sometimes leaves you
needing a vacation from your vacation.
While any trip can cause both relaxation and grief, it is sometimes the
trip home that leaves you swearing to god almighty “never again, NEVER
!!!!!”. That is of course, until next
Queen of the Carousel
A shiny new playground opened up not too far from our house
and everyone came out of the woodworks to check it out. It was amazing; it had
a pirate ship area, a beach, a new-age jungle gym that even I wanted to climb
up and a sprinkler park to boot. If the new equipment wasn’t enough to draw a
crowd the park also put up a carousel for the opening weekend.
Stop Feeding Me
Stir of Echoes
With Kelly on vacation, Darren Pecoraro has graced us with another guest post.
“Yell at your child and you’ll raise a yeller”, so the axiom goes. My father was a yeller, and I have been known to elevate my voice from time to time, as my 2 boys will certainly attest. Along with the occasional yelling, there is the sound of joy and laughter. Nothing is more pleasant to a parents’ ear, than the sound of their child’s laughter echoing through the halls. There are echoes in my home, both literal, and figurative.
Curb Your Toddler
The family is heading to Disney World next week and I can
barely contain my excitement and fear. It may be the land where dreams come true
but some of those dreams are nightmares. There will be dozens of diversions to attract
my three year old and what kid wouldn’t go darting into a crowd towards a magic
carpet ride? In my pre-vacation panic I’m asking myself the not-so-age-old
question: “To leash, or not to leash?”
Body Issues
The other day I was leaving my house and the kind old lady
next door patted me on the belly like I was a Buddha and pleasantly asked if I
was having another baby. Basically any self-esteem I had mustered up in the
years since I’ve given birth was washed away with one swoop of her tiny old
lady hand. Seriously, I was wearing leggings like they were regular pans;
that’s how good I was feeling before this incident.
The Duct Tape Initiative
Another guest post from Darren Pecoraro:
Several years ago my darling wife thought it would be a good idea to have another child. We were planning a move to New Jersey, and what better way to tie it all together than the arrival of Andrew Richard. She convinced me I was being selfish in hesitating and that our son Christian needed a “partner in crime” (Who knew just how accurately that statement would manifest itself?). Eventually, she lured me in with her feminine charms, and the rest as they say, is history. I will repeat here what I have said for many years: “The best thing about kids … is making them.”
Several years ago my darling wife thought it would be a good idea to have another child. We were planning a move to New Jersey, and what better way to tie it all together than the arrival of Andrew Richard. She convinced me I was being selfish in hesitating and that our son Christian needed a “partner in crime” (Who knew just how accurately that statement would manifest itself?). Eventually, she lured me in with her feminine charms, and the rest as they say, is history. I will repeat here what I have said for many years: “The best thing about kids … is making them.”
One Direction Makes Me Feel Old
I am young. Sometimes I just have to type those words out to
convince myself that its true. I’m only 26, but last weekend I was watching
Saturday Night Live and this new boy band, One Direction, was the musical
guest. The moment they hit the stage I was overwhelmed with the realization
that I am getting old.
The fact of the matter is that I have a child; therefore I
surrendered my youth to the next generation years ago. My body waved the white
flag the moment I realized cocoa butter does not cure stretch marks. I am to
forever wear my badges of courage all over my thighs and hips. That never
bothered me but something about seeing these teenagers sing in unison lit a light
bulb in my head: It’s over.
Guest Post: The Incident
Our first guest post come from Darren Pecoraro. If you would like to post please email us.
The Incident
As a father of 2 young boys, I have seen
and heard it all at least twice, but nothing will ever top the events of a day
which we refer to in my home simply as “the fecal incident”. When I became a
father, I believed steadfastly that I would treat each child the same, be fair,
and try to be magnanimous in the way I handled all situations. When reality
sinks in, all parents know that this is a virtual impossibility.
I’ve known my best friend since I was 6 years old. Our sleepovers turned into drunken
all-nighters in our parent’s basements and now have grown into long dinners of
Tapas and Sangria. Since we graduated college we’ve both taken our own paths
but still stay very close. We’re the two who can go months without talking yet
the next time we see each other it’s as if a day hasn’t even passed. It really
is a true friendship – not to say we don’t have our hiccups.
Spring Fever
Spring is in the air, normally I would be focusing on my
physical insecurities like how I need to work out before I put on a bathing suit
or that I need to go tanning before I even think about shorts. Since I’ve had
Ali those insecurities have no longer keep me up at night. It’s my other
insecurity, Ali’s development, that’s been racking my brain. Her Third Birthday
was just the other day I’ve been especially insecure about her milestones. Pair
that with the more frequent trips to the park and you’ve got a basket case on
your hands.
Oops! I did it again.
I’m not proud of what I’ve done but my pride has never
really been an issue on this blog. In fact, If I had any pride at all this blog
probably wouldn’t exist. But, to my fans amusement, I will continue with the
How Dare You Not Like Me!
I understand that sometimes two people don’t gel. And I
know I’m far from perfect but I pride myself in the ability to get along with
pretty much everyone. I have friends across the spectrum from old ladies who
turn to alcohol to 20 year olds who discuss celebrity
gossip. I know some people have a few layers to peel back before they succumb
to my charms but I cannot stand when someone refuses to get to know me at all.
Here is the story of one unlucky woman who will never know the joys of my
Bring Back the Boobs
The other day I took Ali to a free open house at the new
gymnastics place near our apartment. The place was great with open space to run
around, trampolines, swings... it was toddler heaven. Then out of the corner of
my eye I saw a woman in the middle of the room with a newborn baby in her
lap. Just as turned to look at the
baby the woman whipped out her sizeable breast and began nursing. I couldn’t
take my eyes off it. I tried to turn away. Then tried to not look like I was
trying not to look at her but it was really difficult. I think I ended up just
standing in the middle of the gym whipping my head around like I had a nervous
tic trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Thankfully the only person I
made it awkward for was me since I was the one who looked like an idiot.
Toy Fair 2012
I got an email last month from my editor asking if I wanted
to go to Toy Fair. I had no idea what it was but I said “sure sounds like fun”.
The reality is that I was completely unprepared for the largest display of
child entertainment I had ever seen in my life. Holy moly never have I been so
afraid and so excited at the same time. The Javitt's center was transformed
into a sea of toys, anything you could think of. Some parents best friends some
a parents worst nightmares (Marshmallow guns, Really? Like I want marshmallows
shot behind my couch where they can be discarded or months). By the end of the
day I wanted to scream down the isles “I WANT ALL THE TOYS”.
Turn the other cheek?
As a parent it’s pretty inevitable that one day your child will try to hit you. You can try to teach them hitting is wrong and control their exposure to other kids hitting. Hell, you can keep them locked in a room watching Sesame Street their whole lives and still somehow it will happen. You can only pray it doesn’t happen in a crowded restaurant full of your friends …
The Battle Between Good and Poop: Potty Training Begins
For the past 6 months when I go to pick up diapers for Ali I announce to her “this is your last box of diapers!” I think I’m hoping somehow by osmosis that statement will click something in her head and she will begin using the potty effortlessly on her own. So far that tactic hasn’t worked with anyone. Now that she’s almost three it’s time for me to bite the bullet and get this girl going in the bathroom.
Say Something!
Most of my readers know that not too long ago I was struggling with the fact that Ali was two years old and didn’t have much interest in talking. Thankfully these days I haven’t been able to shut her up but it was a long arduous journey from silence to constant chatter.
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