Now that I’m larger and more uncomfortable I’ll take
whatever I can get when it comes to public transportation
seats. One nice young man gave me the obligatory: "you wanna sit?” and
I responded Yes. I could see the disappointment in his face but I was just
waiting 3 minutes on an un-air-conditioned platform. I needed a break.
I would just like to point out a general note to the public:
If you’re offering someone your seat, you should get up. Don’t just sit there
and say things like “Did you want to sit down?” Of course I want to sit down, I
don’t want to sit in your lap, get up. I’m not going to take the seat until you
move. And maybe put a shave more effort into it. When I graciously say: “No,
thank you so much for asking.” You shouldn’t let the conversation die- I was
just being polite. You should press harder, if you ask me twice then, yes. Yes
I will sit down.
Now that I’m crankier I’m getting really good at giving
people the evil eye when they don’t get up. If you are an able-bodied young
person and you’re sitting in the front of the bus reserved for “pregnant
people” and you don’t even look me in the eye while I’m carrying a toddler when
I get on the bus, you bet I’m secretly pushing voodoo pins in
your body with my eyes and bad karma is coming your way! Sorry, the hormones
make me vindictive.
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