Impulse or Idiot?

             It’s no secret that I’m pretty cheap. I buy generic everything from ketchup to toothpaste.  One of things I particularly skimp on is my haircut. After I had Ali getting my hair done seemed more like an errand than “me time”. Frankly if I have a rare spare hour to myself I’d rather take a nap or an uninterrupted shower than get myself dressed and ready to go outdoors to a hair appointment. So far I’ve kept my hair long and have been getting away with a trim every 6 months or so.
I went to a fancy-shamncy salon “spa” a few times and dropped $80.00 on a cut and blow out. Then I got wise and decided to go to Buzz Cuts know where you just walk in and you’re not allowed to request who cuts your hair. I got my hair cut one time there in a pinch and the girl did just as good a job as Amber or whatever her name was at the spa. Best part is she only hit me with a $14.00 bill! That’s what I call a big win. Especially since Buzzcuts was located right in the Shoprite parking lot. I took my savings right into the grocery store and scored some choice meat.
            Dan always yelled at me for skimping on my hair. His reasoning was that if I get it cut twice a year that’s not too much strain on the budget. I thought I beat the system so I was more proud of my saving accomplishment than my hair. All was well in haircut land until recently. Every now and again I hate my hair and I get the impulse to cut it. Usually I don’t have the time to see the hair dresser until after the urge passes. Unfortunately last Thursday I impulsively ran into Buzzcuts and relayed to my cutter that I wanted to chop it all off. As the words were coming out of my mouth I thought it was bad idea … it was almost like I was looking into the mirror trying to plead with myself “no you don’t need to do this”. I think secretly I wanted to prove to the world that Buzzzcuts isn’t just good for a trim but they can do Bob’s as well!
            Well 40 minutes and $14.00 later I looked like a man wearing a helmet. Honestly I wanted it long in the front and shorter in the back and instead I had a box on my head. My inner self was laughing at me while my outer self was shell-shocked. I thanked the lady for the cut, told her it looked great and ran from the building with my jacket hood up. I didn’t know where to go or what to do …I felt violated and looked ridiculous. I looked like a 35 year old from 1993. My brother Richard explained the haircut best: I told him it made my head looked big and he told me “No, Kelly its just accentuates your already large head”. I went home and called my best friend. She laughed at me for a few minutes then she gave me the number to her salon.
            Calling the salon was probably one of the more embarrassing calls I’ve made in my life. I tried not to cry when I explained to the receptionist what had happened to my head. She was nice enough to squeeze me in the next day for a “fix”.  I tried to avoid mirrors for the next day before my appointment. I figured if I didn’t have to look at it it wasn’t there. Finally it was appointment time I almost didn’t want to take my hat off when I got into the chair. Ryan, my cool red headed “stylist” (not hair cutter) sat with me for a few minutes and discussed what exactly I was looking for in the first place. He went on to tell me that it wasn’t a bad haircut it was just bad for me. Before he took out the scissors he pulled up a picture of Victoria Beckham on his computer and explained this is what he thinks would be best. Anything with Posh Spice is all right by me. So an hour later my head looked normal and I felt my age again. I thanked him so many times and he explained that next time I want to cut my hair we could have a long discussion about it before we make any moves.
            Then I realized you don’t pay the money for a good hair cut. You pay the money so that you don’t get a bad haircut. It’s like insurance. Well the only good thing that came from this experience is I now officially have a hair stylist and a salon that has the way I like my coffee on file … I guess it was worth the $70.00.

PS I’m sorry I’m not brave enough to post a picture of the before and after …  Maybe if we get enough comments I’ll post it. 


  1. very funny, KMS! i hope you get 1000 hits! i think you can. i am sure you look beautiful. :)


  2. Funny story!! I can relate, I have had my fair share of bad haircuts, I remember if I spent the money and got one I loved, I would tell them put lots of hairspray and I just had to go out that night!!--Marie

  3. If comments means we get to see the pictures, then comment I will! It happens to the best of us, girl. I'm glad you had the balls to go get it fixed. I would have just used ugly barrettes to clip it back until it had grown in for a few months. And now you'll be fully informed if you ever decide to go short again!

  4. post a picture!!! i bet the hair cut was the same as 5th grade Brita's

  5. Now, you KNOW we will hound you until you post the pics.

  6. I feel like I heard the SAME story when we were 15!

  7. Ok I'm working on getting a good shot of my new hair then ill post it.
    @bianca ok clearly I have a history with this problem but I've gone 10 years without a really bad haircut so I think its a step in the right direction.
